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Saturday 13th, June 2024

Sunita, your ‘Short Story’ this week, reminded me so much of both my Parents whom I was there with Sheonagh for Dads passing, holding his hand…and for Mum, I flew overnight, but was 30 minutes too later…she passed alone. It was that moment in time that has forever plagued me, ‘what if I had left on an earlier flight’, ‘what if I had left my business the day before’…too many ‘what ifs’, but one thing I will always remember , I told both parents how much ‘I loved them’. often…and for that it brings moments of Peace to me.

Your Short Story was bold, raw and one that reflected years of pain, and a grief (like me), that wasn’t fully allowed to flourish. I so agree, LIFE in its very essence, is fragile, we must treat it with the utmost of RESPECT; as it’s not promised how long we will be here. I remind myself daily, to go forth into the world, and ‘be kind, help someone who needs it, be generous of myself, and never judge…as we are not in their shoes, and don’t know what burden they are carrying. Live life with purpose, and abandon’…

Such an inspiring Story, and so thoughtful and well penned. Xx

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